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SKC Animations website coming soon :^)
Sonek Kong Country News and Updates Coming SOON! SITE UNDER CONSTRUCTION

SITE UPDATE: 8/4/2024

I wasn't sure when I'd get around to typing something here! Currently it's 1:30am and I am relearning html at the moment! One thing I managed to accomplish was hyperlinking, something I haven't done since 2007! It's pretty nostalgic going back to basics, getting away from the woes of mainstream internet, I almost don't want to mention those sites to keep the sanity intact.

Anywho it feels great to finally get around to this project, it's been on my bucket list for quite sometime. Soon all the pages will be updated with all the past and future projects related to everything 'SKC.' I was going back and forth on whether or not I wanted to contain all my stop motion stories on this youtube channel but I finally made the decision to do so. So alongside with SKC, expect some other things... though... it may not be til 2025. Maybe even a year from now! It's going to be strange looking at this a year from now. Hopefully this is the start of a jourey and coding will be something I enjoy. rofl. But who knows maybe I can deliver something before then too.

This update is kind of all over the place so, here is some things I'm planning for the site! (Mostly before I forget)
  • Site Update Archive!
  • Project Update Page!
  • Page for watching the videos! (In release order and Chronologically)

And other things! I don't really know what to add besides that. Anyway, looking forward to it all, see ya!